So America, we have the newest family member announcement to the Hilton family upon us....and NO, it's not #4...it's a NEW DOG!!!
Courtney and I have been talking about this for about a month, and then last Saturday morning, low and behold, my precious husband offered up the idea of checking out the Animal Rescue League here in Des Moines in the effort of finding us a poochie!!! So our journey started at the West Des Moines location, which had one beagle that was being reserved. So we traveled onto our next location on the South Side, which had only 1 dog that was not too great w/ kiddos under 7! So our final destination was the main site in almost Saydel(like 30 minutes from home for all you out of towners), and we went right past the big dogs, which I figured we'd get, just solely because we've been around them for so long, and went right to the medium sized pooches. After looking at a beagle and a jack russell terrier(wow, that dog never stopped barking), we came across a beautiful little bassett hound that appeared to have the Hilton name stamped all over her! She had been found wandering on the side of E 14th Street(a busy one for the out of towners again), and had been there just 9 days as luck would have it:-)! We asked to take a look at her and w/in the first couple minutes of talking and playing with her, Courtney was ready to start the adoption process before anyone else snatched up our little baby!
SIDENOTE: We told the kids that after Patrick was potty trained we would get a dog, but last summer just didn't seem right, so we put it off and the kids had kind of forgotten about it until spring hit and dog fever was back in full swing! In all reality, the idea of potty training another child, oh I mean puppy was daunting to me, as I kinda suck in the dog potty training dept. So when we actively started looking a month ago, we decided to go with a dog from the ARL(Animal Rescue League) that was older, but not too old:-).
We were signed, sealed and delivered w/in 1 hour and we had our new baby girl, Peanut, weighing in at 24 lbs(still a little underweight, but she's finally eating her food now, so hopefully we'll get up there soon) and a huge ball of love and laziness:-)! She's even responding to her new name of Peanut, chosen for Patrick's peanut allergy(her previous name was Arwen, poor dog) and has started to tell us when she needs to potty and is not doing it on the one room of carpet in the entire house, yeah Peanut!!! We feel like she's always been ours and can't wait to find what the future holds for us and our newest addition.
Sidenote(again): Yes, this does mean we're officially done w/ the baby making factory now that #4 is of the canine variety, sorry for all you hopefuls out there!! Here's a few pics of our new little lady!